Microsoft Excel

The TODAY Function in Excel

Excel converts dates into sequential numbers beginning from January 1, 1900, you will be able to use a range of special functions dedicated to dates. The TODAY function returns the sequential numbers for today’s date and will update accordingly if the workbook is opened on another day. Get excited!
The general function to find out the sequential number for today’s date is =TODAY().
It is also handy to know that the sequential number for TODAY changes every day, so your worksheet will show updated results each time you open it.
Before you start, ensure that the data you are working with in your Excel worksheet looks similar to what is present in the screen capture in Step 1.

Microsoft Excel

The MOD Function in Excel

The MOD function is useful maths function that will return the remainder after a division has taken place. MOD is an abbreviation of modulo or modulus. While it actually performs division based on the two arguments that must be given, it only returns the amount remaining after that division has occurred. Follow on to learn how it works!